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Charge out rates and salary levels 2012

Welcome to the 2014/15 charge out rates and salaries report.

The information held in this microsite is made up of two parts – a report based on our annual comprehensive financial survey of DBA members and in-depth dynamic tables which allow users to isolate specific benchmarking data for salaries, charge out rates and utilisation rates depending on location, size of agency and design discipline.

All members are sent the written report as a PDF, enabling them to share it amongst relevant staff within their teams. New copies can be requested from membership@dba.org.uk by senior staff at DBA member agencies.

Only those members who took part in the survey by sharing their data (or new members who have joined since the survey opened) have access to this website. Login details have been sent to senior staff in eligible member companies.

If you want to take part in our next survey please let us know the name of the person in your organisation who we should send the survey too.

Not a DBA member? If you are interested in benefiting from access to information allowing you to benchmark your business those at the top end of the industry please contact John Scarrott for membership details, or click here to find out more about joining us.

*The general mood of the market according to this survey of 198 DBA member companies.

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In conjunction with Willot Kingston Smith